Kayne Henderson
Insurance Adviser FSP# 397907
021 529 634

We welcomed Kayne to our team at the beginning of 2023. We are lucky to have him and value his years of experience in the insurance industry since 2014. Kayne is happy to help anyone with their insurance needs, and his relaxed personality, with his process-driven style, makes it easy for clients to understand their insurance.
Prior to moving into the insurance industry Kayne worked for Adidas, touring with the All Blacks in Europe for 6 years making sure they were well kitted out both at events and on the field. Personally, we feel like the Financial Independence team can give the All Blacks a run for their money as far as being at the top of our game, and feel honoured he has chosen to join our team.
Kayne was raised in Tauranga and went to Tauranga Boys, he has only just returned to his hometown in 2020, which we also see as an excellent choice. He has settled back in with his wife and 3 young kids to enjoy the best that the Bay can offer.
Kayne holds his Level 5 - New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services